Working “in the Pocket”

It’s easy to work hard for the right things. Do you notice that? Can you imagine the minimum job that you would tolerate for the hours, workload, and anguish that raising a child requires? And, the role of mother or father doesn’t even pay that. 

In the span of the COVID-19 crisis, you’ve seen more evidence of this in the small business sector. With their backs against the wall defending the right cause, people will exceed any and all expectation of work load and psychological pain tolerance. It’s a sight to see. After all these are the harrowing stories that we love in hyperbole in movies and on the evening news that draw us closer and make us say, “Wow!”

Naturally, the DEUCE blog isn’t a place to seek a pep talk or a short dose of motivation. I’m here as a mirror and an educator. What I’m saying about harrowing endurance and roles that we’d work quadruple overtime for isn’t to mimic a movie script for your enjoyment. Rather, it begs a question:

Are you enrolled in the things that would keep your focus when shit hits the fan?

If you aren’t, both you and your community deserve for you to be in those environments. Get in the pocket of your best self. You’re less fragile there and you do more good there. Go there.

11/20/20 WOD


[Meet at Anderson Park]


[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]


Build to a heavy 3-position snatch.. 

‘Touch & Go’ Power Snatch

Then, complete the following for reps:
AMRAP 3 (nasal breathing)
10 Russian KB Swings (53/35)
8 Goblet Reverse Lunges
6 Athletic Burpees

-Rest 2 Min-

AMRAP 3 (nasal inhale/mouth exhale)
10 Russian KB Swings
8 Goblet Reverse Lunges
6 Athletic Burpees

-Rest 2 Min-

AMRAP 3 (mouth inhale/exhale)
10 Russian KB Swings
8 Goblet Reverse Lunges
6 Athletic Burpees