Updated July 19
All DEUCE Gym locations are enrolling new students at this time. All inquiries can be expressed on our free trial page and we will reach out in the manner in which you prefer. As events unfold, we wanted a single place to keep up with all of the changes with DEUCE. Below is a timeline of DEUCE’s actions throughout the pandemic.
Monday July 13th
Governor Gavin Newsom ordered fitness centers and a host of other business categories to close as cases of COVID-19 in the state began to spike. The mandate came with a caveat for businesses that could modify operations for take-away and/or outdoor services.
As a result, DEUCE Backlot (West Hollywood) closed and immediately moved operations to Pan Pacific Park, which DEUCE Athletics (Hermosa Beach) also closed and moved operations to Anderson Park. DEUCE Garage (Venice Beach) is able to operate in modified fashion outdoors.
Wednesday July 1st
In our third week of being open under strict modifications, we began enrolling new members into the community with drop-ins and new memberships. All temperature checks, class caps, socially distanced training zone reservations, and sanitation practices enforced.
Monday June 22nd
In our second week of being open under strict modifications, we allowed members who had placed their memberships on hold at some point over quarantine to come off hold to mitigate overcrowding and perfect the protocols in place.
Monday June 15th
DEUCE reopens for active current members. In our first week of re-opening, students are required to use the new Push Press Member app to reserve one of the limited GPP spaces. The gym is painted with socially distanced training areas. In addition, “open gym” reservations are made available for specialty course practitioners and personal training sessions. We installed a new handwashing station as well as invested in a new third party cleaning service, sanitation materials for intra-training sanitation, and restructured all daily checklists.
All patrons come wearing a face covering and have their temperatures checked. There’s no sharing of equipment.
Tuesday June 9th
DEUCE unveils a series of projects the team has been working on day and night. The new integrated DEUCE Gym site becomes a comprehensive site for all three locations and a remarkable user experience for in-person and online physical education. In addition, DEUCE unveils a new partnership with PushPress to better manage the client experience and make returning to the gym safer and more streamlined with a member app and online registration.
Sunday June 7th
DEUCE responds with both near and far term financial contributions to contribute to anti-racism. 10% of all retail sales in June are donated to the NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund and we committed 2% of all cumulative membership dues through the end of 2020.
In addition, DEUCE discontinued its formal relationship with CrossFit, Inc.
Sunday April 12th
DEUCE makes the need for a brick and mortar gym facility redundant with the launch of DELTA BRAVO. It’s the smartest, most effective training experience that can be done anywhere in the world with two properly dosed dumbbells. We’ve since supplied more than 400 members around the world dumbbells and many are stronger, fitter, and better looking than ever before in their lives.
In addition, all members receive 45-days FREE access to the world’s best digital kinstretch program, ROMWOD.
Sunday March 15th
DEUCE voluntarily shuts down all three locations until further notice and immediately vows to continue to deliver our service of remarkable performance, community, and lifestyle in a new context. Not long after, all gyms are forced to close. This specifically ignites a new progressive digital GPP program that systematically builds capacity and could be done anywhere. Each DEUCE member receives seven days a week of training and coaching videos to support the day’s training. Each member was assigned a personal coach and point of contact with both small group and individual communication. DEUCE launches a new digital community hub. Community events are scheduled weekly and begin with a FREE DEUCE Nutrition webinar to attack a major controllable element of quarantine: diet. These events continue for 92 days and ranged between educational and social events.
In addition, the DEUCE Travel Workout Guide is made FREE to the public. It goes on to being downloaded thousands of times.
Friday March 13th
DEUCE acknowledges the reality and growing concern of coronavirus and vows to attack the coming days with “mutual responsibility” and “transparency” in an email to thousands of DEUCE students and extended family. Handwashing before and after training becomes mandatory and new sanitation procedures voluntarily are put in place.
7/20/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Complete 2 rounds for quality of:
15 1-Arm Rear Delt Flys (ea)
:15 1-Arm Bar Hang (ea)
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality:
6 Slide-to-Hollow (from Forearms)
12 Reverse Grip Bent Rows
16 Flag Push Ups
Then, AMRAP 10
5 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
30 Double Unders