Some inspired neighbors are making a push to beautify Rose Avenue as it runs adjacent to the Penmar Golf Course. For anyone who’s been fortunate enough to run the mile route from the gym, you know that this stretch utilizes this very path.
It’s important to note that what the surrounding home owners need most isn’t your money, but rather your support. If you’d like to support this project (and subsequently improve your mile time) you can sign this petition.
Logan Gelbrich
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
5/8/20 WOD
Progressive Volume Work
Complete 4 rounds for quality:
10 Copenhagen Plank (ea)
12 Leg Pull Up (ea)
12 Pike Push Up
Sprint Progression:
Complete 2 efforts for distance:
:10 Sprint
-Rest :60-
:10 Sprint
Then, complete 2 rounds for distance:
:15 Sprint
-Rest :90-
:15 Sprint
-Rest 2 Min –
Then, complete 3 rounds for distance:
:20 Sprint
-Rest :90-
:20 Sprint
-Rest 2 Min-