We’ve talked about other leadership paradoxes, including but not limited to the notion that leaders are responsible for outcomes they can never have perfect control over. This paradox is just as troubling, but in a different way.
Let me first say, the reason leadership is such a common topic here is because we need it and when I say “we” I don’t just mean DEUCE, I mean everyone. Each person reading this sentence needs more leadership around him or her and we need more of it as a community, a state, a nation, and a globe. Ultimately, we need more responsibility. Leaders, after all, answer the question of who will take responsibility with “me”.
The paradox goes like this. Leadership by its own nature is often an against-the-grain, standout act. Leaders, by definition, don’t just follow along. The key word here is just, however. The paradox is that leaders who cannot follow, listen, obey, and deliver on others’ requests can’t lead well either. Leadership then must be inclusive of the traits of follower rather than exclusive. On paper, it seems like a leader can be a bandit who takes no shit when in reality great leaders require the ability to be a great follower and transcend that ability to also be able to lead.
Pretend leaders use leadership to skirt this fact. The way to independent thinking leadership is through compliant, diligent followership not around it.
Logan Gelbrich
2/17/20 WOD
Front Squat
Hang Clean
Then, 3 rounds for Quality:
12 GHD Hip Extensions
50 Banded Hamstring Curls
25 Powell Raises (ea)
Then, complete the following for time:
400m run
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
400m run
40 Power Cleans (135/95)
400m Run