It’s December, people. And, if you can’t believe it, there’s more. This Thursday is the 2019 DEUCE Holiday Party!
Join us at The Mar Vista this Thursday starting at 7pm this Thursday December 5th. The owners of The Mar Vista and staff have graciously opened their doors to let us celebrate the holidays and we can’t wait to share the night with you all!
We’re hosting our DEUCE friends and family for a night of food, drinks, good company, and music to celebrate the past year together. check out the details:
If you are drinking alcohol, the bartenders will ring you up for a $25 all you can drink pass! The dress code is what you want it to be: Venice hipster, LA casual, New York GQ, or whatever you’d prefer… just no gym clothes.
Bring your loved ones, your roommates, your mom, dad, or whoever, just let us know!
Logan Gelbrich
12/3/19 WOD
Build to a heavy effort in the following complex:
1 Log Viper Press
2 Log Jerks
Then, complete 4 rounds for reps of:
:30 Max Toes-to-Bar
:30 Max Log Viper Presses (95/65)
-Rest 1 min-
:30 Max KB Goblet Squats (53/35)
:30 Max 50′ Shuttle Sprints
-Rest 1 min-