I’ve got to say, quite frankly, the idea of all this metal is hard to love. I mean, they used to call it “iron.” Do they still do that? It sounds outdated. All of it just seems so… not me.
I do not “pump iron.”
Heck, I just wanted to look good and feel better. Now, I’m in a torture chamber. I don’t need to be a meathead to look good and feel better, right?
Ugh! The metal. I kind of want fitness without using that damn barbell.
The bars, the plates, the kettlebells.. doesn’t this stuff come in any other colors? It’s like medieval times in here. Are those freaking chains on the walls? Fuck this, I’m out!
What am I getting into? All this metal..
Well, now, wait a minute, she’s not so mean looking and she moves like a professional with that torture implement. Hey, that little lifter move has some style and grace. Where’s all the grunts and chest hair?
Did I have this all wrong?
Logan Gelbrich
PS – Yeah, you did.
2/27/14 WOD
In 15 minutes, find a heavy clean and jerk for the day, then..
Complete 8 rounds for time of:
200m Run
11 KB swings (53/35)
6 Pull Ups
-Rest :90-