I don’t often seek inspiration from music, but a timely experience with some Ryan Bingham lyrics left me crying in my kitchen this week. His record “Wolves” has universal appeal, in my opinion, in that we all have “wolves” encroaching on our minds, our peace, and our perceived safety. For some these wolves are negative self talk and for others the wolves are a pull towards drugs and alcohol. Wolves can come in a number of different forms, but one thing is certain. These wolves are attacking our best self.
There was no one comin’ around
To save me from the fray
I had to stand my ground
And keep the wolves at bay
It seems silly to me to wish these wolves weren’t there or think that someday they’d be gone for good. They’re too relentless for that. Instead, we ought to fight. I encourage you to give the effort to keep them at bay, whatever that means to you. I needed to hear it as I’ve thought about giving up every day since I can remember lately and I think I’ll give it a go today and keep these motherfuckers at bay. I hope you’ll join me.
Logan Gelbrich
11/8/19 WOD
CrossFit Open Workout 20.5
Complete the following for time, partitioned any way:
40 Muscle Ups
80 Calorie Row
120 Wall Balls (20/14)
Time Cap: 20 minutes