The 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games is an international competition searching for the fittest man, woman, and team on Earth. The first step in this journey is an online invitational called the CrossFit Open, which begins next Friday October 10th and will run until November 11th.
The event is open to athletes of all ages and fitness levels who register here. The event will run at DEUCE over the next five weeks as the GPP class workout each Friday. Whether you’re enrolled in the open formally, you can expect to train an appropriately scaled version of the event workout, which is announced each week.
Our committed competitors can expect our ‘Friday Night Lights’ competitive experience Fridays in the 4:30 GPP class. DEUCE Racing, this is your time to shine!
Logan Gelbrich
10/4/19 WOD
Complete AMRAP 10 for quality:
5 Strict HSPUs
:20 L-Sit Hold
10 Deck Squats
10 False Grip Ring Rows
Then, complete the following for time:
Double Unders
Sit Ups
100 Walking Lunges