Coming off of the heels of a wildly successful Ladies Only Squat Clinic, we’re excited to announce ‘Part 2’ of our three part female powerlifting event series: the Ladies Only Bench Press Clinic. We invite women from the DEUCE family and beyond to join us for a day of training, empowerment, and community.
The Ladies Only Bench event will take place Saturday July 27th from 11-2 at 110 Lincoln Blvd. If you or your friends are keen, let us know on our Facebook Event Page now!
See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
7/9/19 WOD
Even: 5 Strict Presses (AHAP)
Odd: 5 Axle Bar Deadlifts (275/185)
Then, complete 3 rounds for reps:
:90 Max Distance Row
-Rest 3 Minutes-