Be careful. Our mind is quick to assume that power is taken. Consider the opposite. Power is given. Don’t believe me? The entire cast of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers can own a room full of seven year olds. The kids would hang on every movement and every word. The Red Ranger could say jump and the masse of seven year olds would say, “How high?”
Place those same television heroes in front of your next staff meeting and someone will call security. No matter how much power these primary colored action figures want to take, they’ll only have true power in one of those two contexts. We give power to money, certain opinions, and other concepts that are otherwise nominal.
This silly example has serious implications. The next time you’re feeling powerless or under the spell of someone else’s “power”, check your premises.
Logan Gelbrich
3/22/19 WOD
Weighted Chin Ups
Then, complete three rounds for quality of:
Max Chin Ups
Then, complete 5 rounds for reps of:
In 2:00..
:20 L-Sit Hold
16 Alt DB Snatches (60/40)
Max Calorie Row
-Rest 2:00-