Not only is it the first Saturday of the month, but it’s the first Saturday of the year! Join us for a FREE Community Workout to start 2019 with a bang. Each month we open our doors to men and women in the neighborhood free of charge.
It doesn’t matter what you fitness level is, either. Our coaches provide a relative training environment that will be fun and safe for anyone. The more the merrier, so bring a friend or two, as well.
See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
1/4/19 WOD
Broad Jumps
Box Jumps
Then, every 3 minutes for 12 minutes, complete the following for reps:
200m run
5 Devil Press (50/35)
10 KB Swings (70/53)
Then, complete for quality:
Accumulate 3 Minute Plank Hold
100 Banded Hamstring Curls
100 Banded Kickbacks