Believe it or not, this garage has a rich history. Locals to Venice Beach will recognize the name, Abbot Kinney, but might not know much about the man. Mr. Kinney founded the area that is now Venice Beach and built what was (and still is) one of the most unique cities in the world, complete with gondola laden canals not unlike its Venice, Italy namesake.
You see, more than a hundred years ago there was to be an automotive race for the ages. It was the Grand Prix of the world and it was to be held in Santa Monica, CA in the year 1915, and believe it or not, our gym began as a park program in Santa Monica. The trouble is, as the newspapers would report, “the wealthy residents of Santa Monica swayed the mayors stance on the race” just weeks before the event citing that it wasn’t a good fit for the city and it was dangerous. In 2013, they’d say the same thing about lifting weights in the park.
Rather than cancel the international event, Abbot Kinney himself raised his hand and declared that Venice would host the race. And, so it went. Drivers from all over the world sped around ‘Dead Man’s Curve’ (now Washington Blvd.) for the big straight away that we call Lincoln Blvd. Some 70,000 spectators lined the streets for the event and it went on to be a raging success. In fact, when the cars raced passed our section of Lincoln they’d pass a little garage that is still standing there today.
While Santa Monica wasn’t our final home, that Venice Beach welcomed us with open arms and, we’d like to think, that we’ve been a raging success for the community, too. Dare we say we’ve made our own international news, too?
Above is, Barney Oldfield, the winner of the race. DEUCE pays homage the rich history of the garage and the number two on the side of the race car. Now you know.
Logan Gelbrich
10/16/18 WOD
Accumulate the following for quality:
3 Minutes of Handstands
50 Inverted Shoulder Taps
10 Wall Walks
10 Pullups
10 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
– Rest 2 Min –
10 Box Jumps
10 Hang Power Snatches
– Rest 2 Min-
10 Double Unders
10 Hang Power Snatches