Remember the story of the Alamo? Well, if you don’t let me share a tiny detail from the epic battle with you that might be worth paying attention to. Legend has it that militarily the fighters that took over the Spanish mission in San Antonio were doomed from the start. The ten-day battle would eventually take the lives of the entire band of Texan fighters, including David Crockett and James Bowie.
With the insurmountable odds of twenty Mexican fighters for every one Texan and no reinforcements on the way, the writing was on the wall. These men were fighting for honor.
The story goes on to say that Colonel William Travis gave his men an opportunity to save themselves. Legend has it that he took his sword and drew a line in the dirt. The men who crossed the line would opt to defend the Alamo to their certain death.
James Bowie, who was laid out with pneumonia, asked to be carried across the line on a stretcher. The rest of the men followed, as well.
War provides extreme examples of principles we can observe and use elsewhere in our lives. There is a mystical power that emanates from an “all in” commitment in battle, in relationships, in career, and in lifestyle pursuits. The thing is these endeavors in life are hard. They are too hard, I’d argue, to expect success without all the help we can get. If you’ve been on a team where everyone is willing to cross the line, you’d think it’s silly to pursue anything important without this type of commitment.
My opinion? Associate with the people and situations you’d be willing to cross the line for. It’s your only hope.
Logan Gelbrich
8/8/18 WOD
Complete the following for quality of:
Bench Press (AHAP)
Then, complete the following for time of:
50 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
400m Run