Our weekend course on leadership and organizational culture is back on the road December 8-9. The two day summit addresses leadership principles and organizational frameworks that guide the DEUCE brand.
I’ll be coaching basic principles of individual and organizational development using DEUCE Gym as a case study in Berlin, Germany.. Participants need not be gym owners, but simply highly interested in developing better teams and build a brand.
Over the course of two days participants will understand the current stage of their personal development and the stage of development that drives their organization. This will give insight to limited factors and potential opportunity available at the next stage of development. The course addresses the fundamentals of performance and leadership as they pertain to high performance teams. After helping a number of individuals and companies on several continents, it’s safe to say that this isn’t something to be missed.
Motivated leaders only, please.
Logan Gelbrich
7/25/18 WOD
Bent Rows
Complete 5 rounds for time:
400m Run
-Rest about 3 minutes-
**Athletes pay a 20 burpee penalty for every effort that isn’t faster than the previous round