Look out, ladies and gentlemen! We’ve got a fresh shipment of DEUCE gear in and it’s a collaboration with STR/KE MOVEMENT just in time for this weekend’s ‘United by Motion‘ event. It’s not the first time we’ve collaborated with STR/KE, but there are new, never-before-seen pieces for the ladies.
The new additions to the pro shop include the classic shorts, the classic bra, and the classic tight for the ladies. All are emblazoned with the DEUCE brand. The guys have shorts, too, in two colors. The men’s metric short comes in grey and black.
We anticipate all the new stock to sell out by the end of the event this Saturday, so act fast. You can buy these items in store or online.
Logan Gelbrich
PS – If you’d like to join us this Saturday, please RSVP here. (Only the first 100 will get in.)
1/25/18 WOD
Make 3 attempts at the following for load:
Max 50’ Yoke Zercher Carry
Then, EMOM 12
Even: :30 Handstand Hold
Odd: 10 Toes-to-Bar