For the first time ever the ‘Hold the Standard’ Summit will take place in the United States. After successful seminars on two different continents, the Summit is coming home to Los Angeles on March 3rd and 4th.
Motivated gym owners and fitness leaders are invited to dive into the teachable mechanics of high performance organizations. The two day course is not for spectators. Participants and their organizations
will become their own case studies. Each an every participant will leave the weekend with not just a deeper understanding of the history and evolutionary stages of organizations, leadership, and what makes a viable business, but specific systems, tracking documents, enrollment strategies
, and plug-and-play programs that you can implement Monday morning.
Here’s what participants can expect in the two day course:
- The Stages of Organizational Development
- Understanding Leadership, Performance, and How High Performance Teams Work
- Marketing that Holds the Standard
- Plug and Play Business Systems
- Become a University with Specialty Courses
- The Life Blood: Coach’s Prep
Space is filling quickly, but, please, motivated people only. If you’re interested in joining us in March you can enroll here.
Logan Gelbrich
1/4/18 WOD
Complete the following for time:
Run 800m
At 6 minutes, take 15 minutes to complete 3 rounds of:
:60 Front Rack Hold (80% 1RM FS)
Max Bar Hang
At 21 minutes, complete the following for time:
Run 800m