Full time DEUCE Gym employees will now receive one hundred percent coverage of the highest caliber medical benefits possible, thus completing a long time goal for the organization. The lengthy process didn’t disappoint in the fantastic levels of time, money, and bureaucratic gateways to make it a reality. Nonetheless, we’ve done it.
These benefits include Blue Shield of California’s Platinum PPO coverage with zero deductible and the freedom to choose any provider regardless of network. As one who is gleefully ignorant to the intricacies of the minutia of these bureaucratic wastelands, I’d like to translate the aforementioned this way:
We got the best goddamn insurance on the market.
We are working diligently to ensure that the best team in the world is treated like it and this is a step in that direction.
Hold the standard.
Logan Gelbrich
12/20/17 WOD
Complete the following for time:
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Then, complete the following for quality:
3x 5 Tempo Front Squat
3x 10 Pendlay Rows