Kids don’t read much these days, so I decided to make a short video. The above video discusses the dynamics of creativity, but, luckily for us, performance and creativity work the same. You see, from a distance both Michael Jordan and Jean-Michel Basquiat should be the most satisfied with their art. After all, they achieved the pinnacle. However, the dynamics illustrated above tell us otherwise. The distance separating our vision and our reality is a part of pursuing excellence. Knowing you’ll never arrive is where the master learns to stay hungry.
Te video above is a call to embrace your good taste. It’s a nudge of encouragement for all of you with idealistic visions of what you want. Let this “taste” be your guide. Realize that the fact that you have yet to arrive is less of an indicator of your perceived failure and more of an indicator that you’re a visionary doing what visionaries do.
Keep going!
Logan Gelbrich
12/13/17 WOD
Complete 2 rounds of the following for reps:
:60 Max Pistols
-Rest 1 Minute-
:60 Max Overhead Squats (95/65)
-Rest 1 Minute-
Max Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
-Rest 1 Minute-