Who do you look up to? Why do you look up to them? Is it one thing? Can you put your finger on it? Who do you want to be like? Why do you want to be like them?
I believe it is quite normal for each of us to have a person (or persons) in our lives that inspire us. They make us want to be better people. They make us see the best in ourselves. Even though we may not feel like it at that very moment. For whatever reason, they give us hope.
I want you to challenge yourself a bit here, and think about this the other way. What if this person is you? What if someone answers this question and the person that they admire is you? Would this affect your behavior and your choices? Would this make you feel better about yourself?
Go out today and live like the person you look up to. Because there is someone watching you, and they need a positive person in their life. Reply in the comments with the person that you look up to, you may just make their day.
Danny Lesslie
1/17/14 WOD
10 Pistols
15 Pull-ups