The Whole Life Challenge starts Saturday and if you’re late to the party, click here and get on board. Here are three things you need to do to participate:
- Record a Performance
Twenty-five percent of your score in the challenge will be based on your ability to improve upon a physical performance recorded at the beginning of the challenge. If you’re joining us at DEUCE Gym for your baseline workout, we will do the following workout at 10AM tomorrow (Saturday Jan. 21st):
Complete the following for reps:
In 10 minutes..
20 Pull Ups
800m Run
10 Burpees-to-Plate
20 KB Swings (53/35)
**Score is combined KB swings and burpees
If you won’t be joining us, you can do this workout on your own or any other measurable physical feat you’d like (5K, 200m swim, etc). Record your score on the WLC site.
- Record a Body Measurement
Twenty-five percent of your score will also be determined by your ability to improve a body measurement. Our official measurement will be the hip and waist measurement, but you may choose to measure as many of the following pre/post options as possible:
Hip (Peak of Buttocks) and Waist (Around Naval) Measurement in Inches or Centimeters
Body Fat Percentage
Record on the WLC website!
- Select Sleep & Hydration Requirements
Fifty percent of your score will be determined by pointed earned (or lost) everyday in a lifestyle habits game. You get to choose the hydration levels that will determine your daily hydration points. In addition, you’ll need to select the amount of sleep you’ll strive to get each night for sleep points.
NOTE: Your sleep TONIGHT will count for your first day sleep score. Sleep tight!
Log this on the WLC site.
Let’s commit to a heightened focus for the next eight weeks together!
Logan Gelbrich
1/20/17 WOD
AMRAP 5 KB Swings (53/35)
Then, complete 2 rounds for time of the following:
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Sandbag Squats
400m Run