Eat Your Dessert

NEWS FLASH! Life isn’t black and white. This time of year is one giant logical fallacy for people especially surrounding their health and fitness. Since life isn’t black and white, you options are NOT either training/dieting in a vacuum like a fake-Olympian or completely off the rails mainlining cinnamon rolls for the holidays.

There’s middle ground. In fact, there’s freaking acres and acres of it.

Listen to your self-talk during this holiday season, because if you’re justifying going off the deep end because you had dessert after a holiday meal you should take a moment to realize how ridiculous that sounds.

Eat your dessert. (ALSO: Don’t be a lunatic.)


Logan Gelbrich


12/3/15 WOD

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

100′ Keg Carry (AHAP)

12 DB Shoulder to Overhead (50/35)

10 DB Hang Power Clean

8 DB Walking Lunges

1 Sandbag Getup (AHAP)