My favorite question in our ‘Intro Session’ for all prospective students is the final question. Do you remember it? “If you could wake up tomorrow and look the way you’d like to look, feel the way you’d like to feel, and were capable of all the things you’d like to be capable of, what would life look like?”
In that scenario would you have new, more active habits? Would you fill your weekends with different activities? Would you be stronger? Faster? More flexible? By how much? Are you energetic? Confident?
Regardless as to how specific your view of your idealistic future-self is, I want you to take a trip back in time with me to this “Intro Session.” Put yourself squarely in that “Intro Session” again. When compared to what you thought then, are you now beginning to take on characteristics you were in search of? Has your defining characteristics of fitness success changed?
Do tell. I’m curious.
Logan Gelbrich
10/19/15 WOD
10 Power Cleans (155/105)
20 Deadlifts
30 Burpee Over the Bar
40 Box Jumps (30/24)
50 Double Unders