I have a fantasy. Don’t get excited, it’s not that. It’s a geeky coaching fantasy about teaching an entire class with as few words as possible.
Most humans are incredibly receptive to what they see. In that way, we’re excellent at mimicking actions we see in others. Consider a combination that looks something me like running my mouth too much and us, as a student body, not watching enough as a recipe for underachievement.
Turn your attention to your vision. Watch others move, especially the good movers. Copy what you see. Repeat.
There may be no better time to try this on for size than now. With the CrossFit Games next week, some of the most capable athletes on Earth will be in the gym. Pay attention.
Logan Gelbrich
7/17/15 WOD
Accumulate 20 Snatch Balances..
Then, “Amanda”
Complete the following for time:
Muscle Ups
Snatches (135/95)