This past Sunday I had the opportunity to teach a CrossFit Strongman Seminar at Undisputed Fitness in Santa Fe, New Mexico. During the start of the seminar I had a message for the students.
“Has anyone here been to a dinner party or a social event where they felt like everyone just forgot to agree to be fun? Let’s all agree to have a good time, because you don’t want to get caught in this thing looking at the guy next to you wondering ‘Is he supposed to be fun? Or, am I supposed to be the one?'”
We all made a deal to have a good time and went on our way. As a coach, I know how critical vibes can be. I’ve never seen a place or a group of people as committed to good vibes as you all at DEUCE Gym. It makes training easier. It makes showing up easier. It makes everything better.
If there’s ever any doubt, let’s all just agree to have a good time.
Logan Gelbrich
4/16/15 WOD
Find a Heavy Single Snatch
Complete 6 rounds for time of:
200m Run
1 Snatch (165/115)
7 Over the Bar Burpees
-Rest 2 Min-