DEUCE Gym is a magnent for remarkable people and remarkable things. Did you know that we’re often the host of two very different, very successful podcasts?
The WODcast Podcast – Our friends Scott McGee, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Amirian discuss all things CrossFit with their professionally produced podcast that enjoyed globally. It’s a light hearted look at CrossFit current events and they often have special guests that are bright stars in CrossFit.
Pirate Life Podcast – The most interesting man in the world, Tait Fletcher, brings his recording equipment almost everywhere he goes. Many of these epic sit downs are recorded right here at DEUCE Gym. Sure, there are laughs and joke, but anything is up for grabs on the Pirate Life Podcast. Go deal with Tait!
Logan Gelbrich
4/2/15 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for reps of:
:45 Max Pushups
-Rest 90 sec-
:45 Max Double Unders
-Rest 90 sec-
12×2 Banded Deadlifts