There’s so much emotion in football. The weight of every play is huge. The significance of every touchdown or interception can’t be overlooked. Heck, one mishap or one great play could define the entire season.
Remember, though, football isn’t real life.
In real life, you don’t prepare all week to show up on Friday night to put yourself on the line. Football is, in part, the amazing sport that it is because of these attributes. Yet, it isn’t anything like real life.
Real life happens every single day. Depending on your perspective, this can be good news or bad news. In baseball, you’ve got to show up every day. Much like life, there’s less pomp and circumstance and much more reality in the monotonous daily execution of your craft. In that way, it’s common to hear “that’s why we get to come out and do it all again tomorrow” after a tough loss or a poor performance.
Now, (though I’m biased) I’m not putting the sport of baseball in the moral high ground of football. I don’t watch either. I am, rather, sharing a relatable message from the baseball world. The performances of life are an everyday occurrence. And, in life you don’t get to prep in the dressing room, put on your best outfit, and put on a show every now and again. You’ve got to show up today, tomorrow, the next day, and everyday thereafter.
Some days you’ll shine like a true pro. Other days you’ll stink up the place and want to quit. Most days will be some unremarkable middle ground of monotony. So, if you’re not built to roll with the punches, take the good with the bad, and just show up. You might want to restructure your strategy.
If you’ve had a bad day, or even a bad string of days, keep your head up. It hasn’t costed you a Super Bowl and life is an everyday game. So, be rest assured you’ll play again tomorrow and you’ve always got an opportunity to win the day!
Logan Gelbrich
9/19/14 WOD
3 Attempts:
Max Distance Broad Jump
Power Clean
3 Attempts:
:20 sec Max Burpees