10 Days of Shock Therapy

*The Route 56 Challenge: Day 10*

The Route 56 Challenge is 10 days old, and whether you feel like it’s been a decade or you feel like you’re “just gettin’ started” this is a good time to check in with what’s happening to your body. For one, if you’re playing to win, you’re body is getting close to assimilating to this new routine. Bed time is less forced and your brain is catching on that you weren’t kidding when you didn’t feed it sugar for a day or so.

Sunroof and barbells.

Depending on the lifestyle you’re coming from, the first few days of the challenge could have fallen some place in a huge spectrum of emotions from it feeling like a mild nuisance to log points and to “cross your t’s and dot your i’s,” to you’re body going into complete sugar withdrawals. Without even leaving the Gelbrich family, I can point to two extreme examples. I’ve started the challenge feeling like I was living life as usual minus a few glasses of wine and a more punctual bed time. My brother, however, is a senior at the University of Oregon. He wondered if his sugar and grain withdrawals would kill him or not. Well, they didn’t kill him and he’s nearly out of the woods (6 pounds lighter, I might add).

Regardless of whether these days have been a shock to your system or not, you’re a cleaner burning machine already. If you’re playing to win, you’re less inflamed and you’re insulin levels aregaining stability. You’re probably capable of more in the gym and are able to recover quicker as well.

My advice to you? Stay the course. Any hiccups thus far are nothing in the scope of the 56 day challenge, commit to the long haul, because the changes inside you are already starting to happen.

Logan Gelbrich



2, 4, 6, 8…

Overhead Squats (135/95)



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