The word virtuosity in the world of gymnastics can be best defined as, “doing the common uncommonly well.” Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit and world class trainer, uses this term extensively with regards to training, and rightfully so. In gymnastics, virtuosity is found in the details of how an athlete’s routine is executed. One can make no mistake in a routine, and his/her score would be a 9.7 out of 10. Virtuosity is requisite of a perfect score and “it is always the mark of true mastery (and of genius and beauty).”
You’ll notice in our training, that though no day looks too much like any other day on the bluff, there are few “curve balls.” A squat, for example, is a squat. Whether it is front loaded, body weight, jumping, or otherwise. As a coach, I am less concerned with you learning “new tricks” as I am with you mastering the ones that work. We have a foundation here of tried and true functional movement for human performance. I am not in the business of “looking cool.”
Within that, I encourage you to seek virtuosity in your training. Be less concerned with “more,” and be more concerned with “better.” Especially those of you that are veterans of the program, it is time to step into a level of responsibility in the evolution of your training that includes virtuosity.
The castle you are building of improvement, performance, and fitness will stand on whatever foundation you build for it. Seek perfection in the details. Cherish warm ups as a time to methodically build that foundation rooted in virtuosity. Be diligent and methodical. Practice virtuosity in class and out, the value is endless.
Logan Gelbrich
Friday’s Workout:
4 Rounds for reps of:
1 min Power Cleans (95/65)
1 min Hand Release Pushups
200M Run
Rest 1 min