My Friends

Here at Functional Fitness on the Bluffs, we are a tight knit community. We are so tight knit that friendship is a huge catalyst for our experience. That’s not to say that  you need to be a friend of a member to fit in or join us, the friendship part comes along later.

My friend, Danny, kickin' ass.


OK, our students don’t go to movies and play fantasy football with everyone they train with, but a bond does grow. In most gyms friendship would be a coincidence. That’s not the case here.

At FFOTB, you begin to learn the people that are in it next to you. You see strength and you see weakness, and their is an undeniable bond with that. That bond is the seed for friendship. I’d encourage you all to nurture that seed and grow friendships here. This can be a support group of life changing capacity.

While the immediate focus in class may be on something specific and small, like spinal position or the development of your posterior chain, for example, what I am saying is if at the end of the day you can look across at someone in class and call them a friend, we’ve made a difference.

What better place to build that than here on positive ground?


Your friend,

Logan Gelbrich



Thursday’s Workout:

200M Run
20 Arches
400M Run
20 Situps
800M Run
20 Arches
400M Run
20 Situps
200M Run




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