Our training is difficult. However, lots of things are difficult. It seems to me that folks often use the level of difficulty of their training methods to defend it. Believe me, I am an advocate for exercise induced adversity, but I cannot responsibly go as far as to say that our methods are valid simply because they are difficult.
Holding your breath underwater is hard.
Balancing your body weight on just your finger tips is hard.
Holding two encyclopedias at an arms length as long as possible is hard.
Squatting on a Bosu ball with a kettlebell overhead is hard.
Yet, everything I’ve just mentioned means nothing when it comes to quality fitness adaption. So, when folks tell me about their yoga routine or bar method class (which, I don’t have a problem with) they immediately feel the need to defend their training. “It’s actually really hard,” they’ll say.
Well, OK. I’m sure it is. And, to be honest, I’m not hating on your choice in training. We’ve got to agree, however, that validating a training modality with it’s difficultly makes all my brilliant ideas above valid training tools, too. So please, take strength and conditioning, or yoga, or Pilates, or bar method for what it is. Whether it’s hard, or not, has little to no effect on its credibility as a fitness program.
Logan Gelbrich
Friday’s Workout:
Spend 15 minutes with crawling variations (bear crawl, spiderman walk, etc)
10 Rounds:
Sprint 40 yards
*Rounds start every :90