I follow a blog by a popular writer by the name of Seth Godin, some of you may know him, as he has written multiple books such as “The Purple Cow,” “Tribes,” “The Dip,” and many more. If you are looking for a cool change of perspective, give his stuff a read. He brought up a really cool concept in his daily email recently. It was about “The Red Lantern.” I feel that it really relates to this fitness world we exist in.
There is a race that takes place in Alaska every year called the Iditarod. This race from Anchorage, in south central Alaska, to Nome on the western Bering Sea coast, each team of twelve to sixteen dogs and their musher cover over *1,049 miles in ten to seventeen days. It has been referred to as “The Last Great Race on Earth.”
In this grueling race, the last finisher is given an award called “The Red Lantern.” And, it has come to be a respected award for someone sticking it out against all odds, even finishing days or weeks after the other finishers. I read a stat that someone finished in 32 days and some odd hours. When others are finishing in 10-12 days this is a significant effort, and one that doesn’t go unrecognized. I think that this award is brilliant! I have such a feeling of respect for people that have this type of determination and will to finish. Finishing is the goal, if you don’t finish you receive nothing. But even if you are dead last you receive an award, and it is a respected one at that.
In the world of GPP (General Physical Preparedness), proficiency in all aspects of fitness is our goal. Everyone is bound to run into an area that they are not very skilled in. Maybe you will finish the workout fifteen minutes after everyone else in class. I know I have been there, and it takes some serious gumption to get through a workout like that. Let’s all take a lesson from the world of mushers (sled dog racers). They respect the “Red Lantern,” and recognize their effort. For the day that you are “The Red Lantern,” we will all be there cheering you on as you finish the workout. See you at the best gym on the planet.
Danny Lesslie
9/11/13 WOD
Five rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (155/105)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks