Not that it’s a hard fast rule; I personally start my creative process for my meals with what animal protein it will feature. From there, I choose a carbohydrate that would accompany my protein of choice, and finally I’ll choose a substantial fat source. I take my food seriously. And, in my experience, the hardest of the three macronutrients to find of exceptional quality is the protein.
Eating seasonal, organic vegetables and fruits is a pretty good filter on the carbohydrate side, but when it comes to meats, poor quality is rampant. Even “grass-fed” and “cage free” don’t mean much when cows are grain finished or antibiotics are used.
For nearly a year now, we’ve had a relationship with Nousuon beef, who’s grass-fed, grass-finished beef is some of the finest in the world. Their green emblem can be found at the bottom of our website. Of course, this connection was too good to be true…
We have the best beef in the country direct to your door for affordable prices, but the catch was they only had ground beef available. Sadly, if you’re looking for variety or a God-almighty-steak, you were left to your own devices.
Well, consider that a problem of the past. Nousuon is now offering the finest cuts from the same farm in Oregon, including top sirloin, ribeye, tenderloin, and New York. As we’ve always proclaimed, you can’t out train your nutrition. This is the best beef we know of to help our community step up their game, starting with the dinner plate.
Fun Fact: Nousuon tests for and labels the Omega 6 and Omega 3 content of the beef right on the nutrition facts. Anti-inflammatory victory!
Logan Gelbrich
Monday’s Workout:
Complete the following for time:
30 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
7 Burpees
40 Squats
7 Burpees
50 Push Ups
7 Burpees
40 Squats
7 Burpees
30 Hang Power Cleans