Once a year we take part in one charity event. This is it.
Rather than spread our efforts thin across a handful of different causes, we’re setting up to open the flood gates of support for our friends at DogTown CrossFit to raise money for cancer research. In it’s second year, the 2012 Crush Cancer event raised $114,108 dollars. This year’s event is casting a wider net with gyms participating from all around the world in an effort to surpass a goal to raise over $1 Million!
What is Crush Cancer 2013?
Crush Cancer 2013 is a workout to be held in the heart of downtown Culver City, October 12th. Participants from numerous gyms are taking on a grueling workout together in that name of defeating cancer. Each participant will spend now until the day of the event raising money in support of their efforts. The workout, “Crush Cancer,” has advanced, intermediate, and novice divisions, so that literally anyone can participate. Whether you’re young, old, fit or not, this event is for you! The day will be comprised of not just the workout, but live music, a fair, vendor booths, food, and fun.
How do I participate?
Go to our fundraising page and register. It’s free and all you have to do is raise $150 to take part. The entire event has raised over $50k so far, while our page has raised $1200, and we have even started yet!
If you’re new to the community, I urge you to take part. This event will be a great lesson as to what is possible when you get a group of motivated people pointed in the same direction. Before you read the workout below – REGISTER!
Share your story, get creative with your fundraising, and let’s CRUSH CANCER!
Logan Gelbrich
8/30/13 WOD
Even: 8 Good Mornings
Odd: 8 Hanging Leg Raises
Complete 3 rounds for reps of:
In 2 minutes..
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
Max Hand Release Pushups
-Rest 2 min-