Our schedule at FFOTB offers some flexibility. Even students with memberships are able to choose which classes they’ll come to and which classes they’ll skip. There are Pros and Cons to this, but without getting into those details it’s worth noting that given this structure there is some variance in folks’ attendance habits.
We will call this variance, “sway.”
Sway is good. It allows you to juggle life and have freedom to move training around in your schedule.
Sway is also dangerous. It lacks accountability, and the true variables are the ones that affect your attendance. Simply put, many things affect your “sway.”
Some students, like Dad for example, don’t sway. Monday, Wednesday, Friday he will be there at 7 AM. He’s also got 11 AM on Saturday’s devoted to regular Barbell Club. He won’t do more, and barring any anomalies, he won’t do less either. Most students, however, are less rigid with their schedules. So, I’d like to shed light on the things that affect your “sway.”
What things affect your class attendance?
- Soreness?
- Motivation?
- Weather?
- Finances?
- Schedule?
Regardless as to what your list of factors looks like, it’s worth noting what affects your training. At the end of the day, a routine or sustainable effort is what’s going to bridge the gap between you and your goals, regardless as to how good your reasons for not training are.
Once you know what things deter you from your training, you’ll be one step ahead to potentially recognize that and stay the course. At the end of the day, we’re on the same team and though we understand that soreness, financial hardship, cold weather, and a busy schedule do make it harder to train, it doesn’t change the fact that there is training to be done.
Logan Gelbrich
Tuesday’s Workout:
4 rounds for reps of:
11 Burpees
Max Push Press (95/65)
-Rest 2 min-