That’s right. It’s real. So real, in fact, that we are Yelp certified.
This means a few things. For one, our community will grow faster than ever and secondly, we get to share our experiences with folks that know literally nothing about us. Imagine that this community that you call home (including FFOTB) is all of the sudden made on display for anyone with a smart phone. What would you want them to gather about us when they came across us in a search? What should they think? Of all the things to learn, what should they really know?
If you’ve ever had an experience with us, I like to invite you to share your thoughts. Be honest. There’s no need to embellish. But, it would mean a great deal to me if you could take a few minutes to give us your honest review on Yelp.
You can find our Yelp listing here.
Logan Gelbrich
7/31/13 WOD
Battery Work
Even- :30 HS Hold
Odd- 6 Pistols
2 Rounds for time of:
50 Squats
15 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
800m Run