The Accommodating Kind

I don’t like the sound of that. “Accommodating,” …yuck! To me it sounds like sacrifice and compromise. Functional Fitness on the Bluffs (the product) can be a bit confusing in that we say we are inclusive and universally scalable, yet everyone follows the same program regardless of their goals, strengths, or weaknesses.

4 different people. 4 Different goals. 1 program.

In that way, we aren’t accomodating one bit. If you’re a student in our school, you’ll get the same lesson plan everyone else gets. Want to work upper body strength? Well, maybe today happens to include none of that. We won’t be accommodating your specific request. Sounds kinda rough, doesn’t it?

Well, FFOTB is grounded in the most universal foundation possible, in that anyone can take part regardless of fitness, age, sex, height, weight, injury, or otherwise, and grow his/her fitness. Scaling movements, volume, and intensity are vital tools for each member to experience training that meets them at their capabilities. Our model is accommodating by nature, but the method of our product is unwavering.

If we were a weight loss gym, for example, we’d surely do a disservice to those looking to get stronger. In the same way, if our focus was building strength, what value would that be to those looking to build endurance capacity?

How is it that students can lose 100 lbs at a time then, while others pack on pounds of lean body mass? Given there’s a singular program, how are some students improving their one rep max deadlift by 50 lbs or more, while others shave whole minutes off of their mile time?

Maybe, just maybe, fitness is something beyond looks, body weight, big muscles, benchmark stats, and health. Maybe it’s everything!

Luckily for Danny and I, our ideology allows us to answer to 1,000 different goals from 1,000 different kinds of people, without changing our approach every time someone new walks in the door (/park). That’s because fitness is a vast sea of capacities. Specializing on just one (or some) of the many components to fitness will address those areas of focus, but to the detriment of the others. We’d like to cover the gambit of fitness.

Have no fear! Chances are your goals fall in the circle of fitness, but real fitness often includes elements that extend far beyond your goals, albeit strength, speed, body composition, flexibility, cholestorol markers, etc. Coincidently, not all of these “side benefits” may be your  exact goals necessarily, but they could very well be your classmates’.

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

5 Rounds:

In 90 seconds complete:

25 Sit Ups

AMRAP Front Squats (95/65)

-Rest 90 seconds-

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