“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general.” – Mark Rippetoe
Grip Training has long been a staple in Strength and Conditioning for several reasons:
- Specificity. Many sports require an athlete to be proficient in holding onto an opponent or an object. In these sports, the preparedness of an athlete’s grip should be something they do not have to worry about in competition.
- Longevity. Studies have linked grip strength to lifespan, indicating grip strength to be a good predictor of mortality.
- General Usefulness. See the above quote. You’re not useful if you can’t hold onto what it is you’re trying to pick up.
This month’s Strength Chat will dive into practically applied grip training. The event will feature a brief lecture followed by a full grip training session focusing primarily on grip strength (both maximal and endurance based) while also touching on prehab and rehab related to bicep and elbow tendinopathy.
Curious? See you Saturday, March 7th at 11:15 in South Campus.
The event is free to all.
3/7/25 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
2.2 Sumo Deadlifts
Complete the following for time:
7th Street Corner Run
10 Pull Ups
Bull Run
8 Pull Ups
6th Street Hill Run
6 Pull ups
Block Run
4 Pull Ups
Make 4 attempts at the following cluster:
2 Front Squats
-Rest :30-
1 Front Squat
-Rest as Needed-
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
60% Max Push Ups
Then, complete the following for fewest calories:
Tabata Assault Bike