Event Set to Benefit Service Providers Affected by Wildfires

There are hidden victims to the LA Wildfires that ravaged our city earlier this month. The devastation of the fires is undeniably brutal, but who is looking after the nannies, gardeners, line cooks, and other service people?

With the help of Milo and Olive, we’re hosting an event this Friday to do just that! Come enjoy bites and drinks from Milo and Olive and Skyduster beer from 5:00-7:00pm. 

Come together for a good cause!

Consider this a meeting of talented service people and men and women who could benefit from those services.

You’re invited!

1/29/25 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
6 Staggered Stance Landmine Presses (ea)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Tate Presses
15 Roll Backs
4 Bottoms up KB Presses (ea)

Minute 1: 12 KB Front Rack Split Squats
Minute 2: 4 Barbell Push Presses
Minute 3: :25 L-Sit Hold



Incline Bench Press

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6 McGill Bench Presses (ea)
6 1/2 Kneeling KB Presses (ea)
60% Max Push Ups

Then, complete for 3 rounds for reps of:
:30 Max Thrusters (95/65)
-2:00 Air Thrusters-