Are you seduced by the intoxicating trance of anger? It takes almost nothing to be angry. In many cases, anger itself is a second hand emotion that flows downstream from some other feeling.
What’s upstream of your anger?
Common first hand emotions from which anger stems from are pain, grief, sadness, etc. I’ve found as I’ve gotten older that anger is a seemingly all-to-common emotion. When I look closer, it generally stems from a different feeling altogether.
While I can’t know what investigating this could do for you, it’s helpful awareness for me. After all, there’s much more compassion in realizing you’re not an angry person as much as you just might be a sad person.
11/25/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
6 Banded Back Squat
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 KB Toe Elevated RDLs
8 DB Goblet Roller Lateral Lunges (ea)
:40 KB Suitcase Hold (ea)
EMOM 15:
Minute: 1 8 Ring Push Ups
Minute 2: 12 Wall Balls
Minute 3: :40 Max Double Unders
Deadlift -20% top set
Then, AMRAP 10:
40 Alt. Reverse Lunges
20 Squats
10 Athletic Burpees