Human Optimism

At DEUCE, we often refer to ourselves as ‘movement optimists.’ I love this term because it illuminates what is possible, evoking hope and promise. 

Lately, I have been reflecting quite a bit on ‘human optimism’ or taking people for all they could be rather than a piece of their history or one aspect of themselves.

“Human optimism is choosing to see the infinite potential inside of every person, despite their history or current state. When the world is viewed through this lens, literally anything becomes possible.”

It is easy to admit that we are not finished products. We all hold older versions of ourselves that we’ve transcended. However, in practice, applying empathy and transcribing this framework to others can be challenging. 

There is no more straightforward way to say it than…

If this is true for you and me, it is also true for everyone else.

Human optimism argues that there is no end to the process of becoming; there is no limit to what we can make ourselves into. While it can be somewhat difficult to imagine, dare to believe for a second that this is real for you. Now apply it to everyone, including the people you dislike…

I’m inspired by the words of Viktor Frankl:

“If you propose in this man… that there must be a spark of search for meaning. Let’s recognize this. Let’s presuppose it. And then you will elicit it from him, and you will make him become what he, in principle, is capable of becoming.”

Frankl more than dared to be an optimist about what humanity was capable of. After living through the most horrendous inhumanity of the 20th century, he still challenged the world to idealistically promote man to what he could be rather than to take him at his worst. 

We would all do well to notice Frankl’s steadfast integrity in believing in the potential of the human race. 

Society tells us to take the road most frequently traveled, to take the worst behavior of someone as evidence of the failing of their character and the superiority of our own. We are constantly told to view humanity from a pessimistic lens. 

“The systemic belief in the inherent limitations of humanity has manifested our current reality. The only way out of this situation is to reverse how we choose to look at others.”

If you opened this article, you think differently. I would urge you to continue to do so and to take inventory of how you might be looking at the worst in a person or group of people rather than imagining their greatest expression.

11/4/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
10 Floor Presses

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Inverted Rows
15 DB Skullcrushers
24 Alt DB Pass Throughs

Min 1: 5 Front Squats
Min 2: :30 Max Ball Slams




Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Supine Med Ball GHD Hold
8 Strict Hanging 1-Leg Raises (ea)

Then, AMRAP 7
7 Box Jumps
14 Alt. 1-Leg Toes-to-Bar