FREE Run Event Features Apple Fitness+ Coach, Cory Wharton-Malcom

We all know that DEUCE Run Club on Saturdays is always FREE and open to the public, but this is special. We’re thrilled to welcome guest run leader, Cory Wharton-Malcom, who has an illustrious pedigree in the run community. 

This is a can’t miss Run Club opportunity. 

His book, All You Need is Rhythm and Grit, and his work leading run for Apple Fitness+ makes him a thought leader in the community. You’re not going to want to miss this!

Join us this Saturday October 5th from 10:00am to 11:30am. We will meet at DEUCE Gym at 10:00am, then jog up to Santa Monica City College run track – run some intervals – then jog on back to the gym.  This is FREE and open to the public. Come one, come all!


10/3/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
16 Alt DB Incline Bench Press
10 Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns
:30 Side Plank Hold (ea)

8 Alt Sandbag Reverse Lunges (150/100)
8 Burpee Over-The-Bag
— Rest 3 mins —
8 Alt Sandbag Reverse Lunges
8 Burpee Over-The-Bag



Back Squat
*On reps 1,4, and 8 perform a :04 eccentric

Then, complete 4 rounds for quality of:
4-6 :05 eccentric GHRs
:20 1/2 Kneeling Palloff Hold

Then, AMRAP 9
3 Hang Power Cleans (185/125)
9 Toes-to-Bar