DEUCE: An Symbol of Stability in a World of Flux

Post Malone benefits from knowing he has a home (albeit empty) in Utah while he’s on tour. When traveling, they say there is a significant negative psychological effect when a person doesn’t know they have a home. This is true even if you’re rich, famous, and living in and out of various 5-star hotels. 

The human psyche loves stability. 

I’m not here to say we’re trying to replace your home, but life is in constant change. Leases expire, jobs change, and relationships end. We hope that DEUCE represents stability in a world that is in constant flux. 

We’ve been here for you. We are here for you and we will continue to be here for you. And, don’t forget: you don’t have to workout to kick it. 

10/2/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 3 rounds of the following:
5 Farmers Handle Deadlift + :20 Hold (ea)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 DB Goblet Lateral Lunges (ea)
15 GHD Back Extensions

Complete the following for time:
6th Street Hill Run
4 Rounds:
5 Pull Ups
15 Ball Slams
30 Double Unders
7th Street Hill Run



Spend 12 minutes working Crow and Headstand progressions

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max L-Sit Pull Ups
5 Forward Roll to Candlestick
:30 Hollow Hold

Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
250m Row or Bike
-2:30 Active Recovery-