Baserunning, Business, and the Power of Conviction

I barely know the rules of football, but I’d bet the gridiron punishes half stepping, too. I know for certain that in baseball, it’s a certified truth that making the “wrong” decision with conviction is unequivocally better than making the “right” decision half-heartedly. 

A former coach called it, “halfway pregnant.” 

There’s no such thing. I’m reminded often as I interact with other adults how many of us have been programmed (largely by archaic schooling methods) that mistakes are the enemy and that life is all about finding the “right” answer. 

Conversely, I find that real life rewards speed, conviction, and a tolerance for failure that has been coached out of us relentlessly since elementary school. So, as we’d say on baseball field, “if you’re going to go… GO!”

9/24/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

4 Rounds
8 Staggered Stance RDL’s (ea)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Lateral Roller Lunges (ea)
12 Body Saws

4 Rounds for time:
6 DB Cleans(50/35)
40 Yard DB Farmers Carry
1 Bull Run



2-Position Deadlift

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Floating Bulgarian Split Squats (ea)
15 GHD Banded Back Extensions

Then, AMRAP 9:
18 Goblet Squats (50/35)
36 Lateral Plyo Skier Hops