DEUCE Adds New Playlist to the Mix

When music gets stale, life feels less vibrant and fun. That’s why you need the ‘new music’ people in your life to keep things fresh, so we made you a playlist!

Jam out! 

We figured you might like to hear something new. Chances are this playlist has more than a few tracks that you’ve never heard. So, here you go!


9/16/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Make 4 Attempts at
2 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean

For Time:
1 Block Run
50 Squats
6th Street Hill Run
40 Jumping Lunges
7th Street Hill Run
30 Push-Ups
Bull Run
20 Burpees




Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Chin Ups
Max Dips

Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
8 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
400m Run
-Rest :90-