You’re Dealing with It Because You Can

Our favorite therapist, Sarah Baldwin, often refers to the central nervous system as this perfectly working system. That’s a particularly encouraging perspective to have when you feel like you’re all messed up. 

This premise carries a ton of insights. For example, if your central nervous system is operating perfectly in its ancient job of keeping you alive, then a few things are likely true. One thing that would be true is that what you’re experiencing right now is within your capacity.

If your system couldn’t handle what you’re handling, you wouldn’t be handling it. 

This is particularly hilarious to me when I look back on younger versions of myself. I wouldn’t dare put today’s bumps in the road on him. After all, I needed all these years of practice to carry today’s burden. 

You too.

8/22/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

4 Rounds
4 Power Cleans

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 DB JM Presses
40 Yard Plate Pinch Carry

Bull Run
DB Manmakers (50/35)



Make 4 attempts of the following complex for load with a Circus Dumbell:
1 Clean
2 Push Presses
2 Push Jerks

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 KB Windmills – Left
8 KB Windmills – Right

Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Devil’s Presses (53/35)