How Two Venice Street Artists Squashed the Turf War

Now, this one might surprise you. First, I’ll set the stage. In the street art scene, there are some strong social norms. One, for example, is that you don’t paint over or tag someone else’s work.

That is unless you’re beefing. 

That’s exactly what happened recently with two local street artists here in Venice Beach. I won’t share their street names or real names here, but the morale of the story still stands. 

When the two met for the first time, the victim in this ordeal asked the other artist why he would deface his creations. His response was clear: “I don’t respect your art.”

He continued, “You make your art in a studio. Have the studio. Us street artists are taking a risk making art in public. I don’t respect that.”

After the victim in this story explained his art and what he’s trying to do they got to know each other more. By the end of the conversation, they shook hands and made amends. Just like that the beef was over!

You see, it’s tough to hate someone you know. Distance creates the opportunity for us to make an “other” out of someone. In fact, most quarles like this are one conversation away from resolution.

6/21/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Lat Pull Downs
16 alt. KB Gorilla Rows
:60 Weighted Plank

5 Rounds
Every 4 Minutes
12 OH Plate Reverse Lunges (45/25)
10 Viper Press
10 Lateral Push Ups



Weighted Chin Ups

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
16 Alt. Plate Swings
20 Zottman Curls
:30 Hollow Body Hold

Then, complete the following for time:
1K Row
Devils Presses (45/25)
Slam Balls