Getaway Bag that Doubles as a Gym Bag

QUICK! You need to get something gnarly done, no questions asked – Who’s your first call?! Carhartt or DEUCE would be one of the first numbers we’d call.. 

So, we collaborated with the legends at Carhartt for a forever gym bag that holds the standard. This is built to last.. just like us!

Stacks of cash sold separately. 

We’re proud to announce our most competitive drop ever! With just 12 units ever made, this will go fast. Get your forever Carhartt X DEUCE “Gym Bag” now.


6/7/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
12 Front Squat
8 DB Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (ea)
:25 Weighted Baby Bear Hold

Complete 3 rounds for time:
6th St Hill Run
8 DB Man Maker (40/20)



Deficit Deadlift

Complete 2 efforts of:
Atlas Stone RDL to RPE 9

Then, in teams of 3 or 4, complete 3 rounds for reps:
In :90…
Max Sandbag to Shoulder (220/160)
-Rest 4:30-