With the passing of Charlie Munger, the internet has been full of his quotes and stories of his unusual life. One that gave me a chuckle that I found to pack a punch was this:
“The best way to get what you want is to deserve it.”
Seems obvious (and true) to the point that it feels like it’s not saying anything at all. At second glance, though, I think it’s saying a ton. In our DEUCE language, we’d say this quote is describing adaptive problem solving.
Let’s break it down. The “problem” in this example is not having what you want. The solution is an invitation to evolve. It’s an act of becoming the kind of person that deserves the thing that you want. This is less obvious than it seems when you consider how often we choose a technical path to goals like these.
Technical solutions are externalized. They have known answers. They can be solved with the right “technique.” This is great when your problem is technical, like having slow internet or a broken arm. It’s less helpful, though, when the solution won’t come from a technique or some external, top-down solution.
When you entertain the need for adaptation, it doesn’t make anything easy. It will give you a chance to choose a path with a solution. The alternative “solution” cannot say the same.
12/5/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 5 rounds of the following:
1 Bench Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Single arm KB Rows(ea)
15 Tate Presses
40 Yard SB Front Rack Carry
In 15 Minutes,
1 7th Street Corner KB Farmers Carry
6 DB Power Cleans(50/35)
8 DB Front Squats
10 Push-ups
Back Squat
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6-8 GHRs
30+ Banded Hamstring Curls
Every 4 minutes for 3 sets, complete the following for time:
400m Run
-Rest 5 Min-
Every 4 minutes for 3 sets, complete the following for time:
400m Run