Newest Apparel Drop Strives for Sustainability

You never tell a story about an easy workout. Remember that. 

This tee is all about those out of body training days where you seem to die and go to heaven. After all, the worst days are the best. 

These custom dyed tees from our partners at ECOCYCLE are 50% sustainable. 

  • two colors: vintage black, crimson red
  • pigment dye shows unique wear with usage and washes
  • front left breast features the tired workout sunshine character and two ghosts

One of our many aims is to create apparel that with last and transcend the gym. We’re confident that these tees will accomplish both. 



8/30/23 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 5 rounds of the following:
3 Power Cleans

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Tempo RDLs (40×1)
:30 L-Sit Hold (< :12)

Min 1: 15 DB Goblet Squats (AHAP)
Min 2: 12 Lateral Push Ups
Min 3: 8 Chin Ups
Min 4: 7th Street Corner Run



Paused Ring Dips

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
:04 Iso Pull Up + Max Strict Pull Ups
6-8 Russian Dips
15 PVC Hollow Rocks

Then, complete the following for time:
Deadlifts (205/155)
400m Run