Over and over again, without exception, the most impressive group dynamics are peer-driven. This is especially true when it comes to tough love. The alternative to this, of course, is top-down or “expert-driven” tough love. Frankly, it’s much better when your peers hold you accountable than when your boss holds you accountable.
We call and email our students when they don’t show up to training.
But, I wish you would. I don’t say that because we’re lazy. I say that because it works better that way. I see it happen, too. There are pockets of students that text each other to see what’s up when folks don’t show. They razz each other if someone starts slacking and it’s much more effective than when a coach does.
So, when you miss a classmate… tell them! After all, you’d rather hear from a classmate than me if the situation were reversed, right?
3/23/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 Rounds of the Following:
4 Strict Press
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Seated Arnold Presses
12 1-Arm KB Rows
Then, complete 6 rounds for time of:
5 Front Squats (185/115)
15 Push Ups
Make 4 attempts at the following complex:
1 High Hang Clean
1 Hang Clean (Below-the-Knee)
3 Front Squats
Then, AMRAP 15
200m Run
20 DB Box Step Overs (45/25)
5 Thrusters (135/95)
Finisher: 3x 30 Dimmels